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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: New Developments in Diagnosis and Treatment. Pp. 31–39.
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Zavadenko Nikolay Nikolaevich, The Russian National Research medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (Moscow, Russia)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has traditionally been considered as a childhood disorder. However, its manifestations, after some transformations, are passing into adulthood in approximately 50 % of patients. The paper looks at the new ADHD diagnostic criteria in DSM-V. For the first time, a symptom threshold for adults has been introduced, and symptoms dynamics across the life span has been presented. The treatment of ADHD should be based on a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach. The follow-up of the patients with ADHD must include regular assessment of their social and psychological functioning in accordance with the concept of “Broader efficacy of treatment”. Pharmacotherapy requires sufficient duration as it should improve not only the core symptoms of ADHD, but also the patients’ social and psychological functioning.
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, diagnostic criteria, age-related dynamics, multimodality therapy, pharmacotherapy.
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