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The method of assessing postural stability under the effect of external pushing. Pp. 31–37.

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Section: Physiology

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Melnikov Andrey Aleksandrovich, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Yaroslavl, Russia) 

Fileva Viktoriya Vladimirovna, Student, Yaroslavl State Medical University (Yaroslavl, Russia)


The paper aimed to develop and test a method of analyzing vertical posture reaction to unexpected pushing. The push effect was produced by a circular disc, placed on a movable slope, with a dynamometer sensor. We studied the reaction of vertical posture to pushing on the solid surface of a platform and on a seesaw moving in the sagittal direction, with eyes open and closed. Using the stabilographic device “Stabilian 01-2” (Special Design Bureau “Ritm”) we evaluated the maximum deviation amplitude after the push (Ampl, mm), the time required to achieve this maximum amplitude (Tmax, s) and the reaction time (Treact, s), as well as the amplitude of sagittal oscillations (Qy, mm) for the period of 6 seconds before and after the push. The study involved healthy young (19±1 years, n = 12) and physically active subjects (n = 7). We found that the vertical posture responses with eyes open and closed did not have any differences. On the unstable surface of the seesaw, Tmax increased (p < 0.05) and Ampl decreased (p < 0.05), compared to the solid platform. After the push, Qy became greater (p < 0.05) than it had been before the push. In physically active subjects, Qy was lesser before the push, which indicates greater postural stability in standard conditions, but did not differ from the control values after the pushing. Thus, the proposed method of estimating vertical posture reaction to unexpected pushing using stabilography can be applied to study postural control for diagnostic and research purposes.


stabilometry, push effect, testing, seesaw, athletes.


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