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The Effect of Anthropogenic Pollution on Red Blood Cells in Adolescents Living in the European North and Midlatitudes. Pp. 84–95.

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Section: Medical and prevention sciences

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Sizovа Elena Nikolaevna, Vyatka Social-Economic Institute (Kirov, Russia) 

Kuznetsova Darya Aleksandrovna, Postgraduate Student, Vyatka State Humanities University (Kirov, Russia) 

Tsirkin Viktor Ivanovich, Kazan State Medical University (Kazan, Russia)


There are no published data on the relation between the effect of high levels of anthropogenic pollution on the human body and the latitude where the person lives. Thus, the aim was to study the effect of such pollution on the functional state of erythrocytes in 14-year-old girls (n=374) and boys (n=380) living in Kirov and Yaransk (midlatitudes) and in Ukhta and village Sedyu (European North of Russia). We found that Kirov and Ukhta do not differ significantly from Yaransk and Sedyu in terms of socioeconomics and demographics, but do differ in terms of climate and geography as well as manmade pollution. In particular, Yaransk and Sedyu can be considered as settlements with a low level of anthropogenic pollution, while Kirov and Ukhta – with a high one. The concentration of formaldehyde (in Kirov) and benzo[a]pyrene (in Kirov and Ukhta) exceeded the threshold limit values. It was found that adolescents from Sedyu and Yaransk had the same hemoglobin concentration, corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, but different number of red blood cells (in boys from Sedyu it was lower than in those from Yaransk). Consequently, living in the European North with low anthropogenic pollution has no significant effect on the state of red blood cells. High level of man-made pollution in midlatitudes (Kirov as compared to Yaransk) reduces the ESR in adolescents and increases the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin concentration, without affecting the content of hemoglobin per erythrocyte. In the European North (Ukhta as compared to Sedyu), anthropogenic pollution has no effect on the ESR, but increases the number of red blood cells (in boys) as well as hemoglobin concentration and hemoglobin content per erythrocyte (in girls). Thus, high level of anthropogenic pollution can be considered as a factor causing hypoxia, adaptation to which in adolescents depends on their geographic latitude and sex.


erythrocytes in adolescents, hemoglobin, hypoxia, suspended matter, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, formaldehyde, benzo[a]pyrene.


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