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Characteristics of the Haеmostatic System Under Physical Load (Review). Pp. 62–70.

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Bushueva Natalya Aleksandrovna, Postgraduate Student, Northern State Medical University; Arkhangelsk Centre for Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine (Arkhangelsk, Russia) 

Vorobyeva Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, Northern State Medical University; Northern Branch of the Hematology Research Centre, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Arkhangelsk, Russia)


Components of the haemostatic system, such as coagulation and fibrinolytic activity, change significantly under great physical exertion. These changes are multidirectional, depending on a number of factors, including the body’s typological characteristics and the initial performance level. Many scientific papers indicate the same type of reaction of the haemostatic system to stress exposure, viz. the activation of platelet aggregation function, the contact phase of blood coagulation and further activation phase of the anticoagulation and fibrinolytic systems. Inadequate physical load disturbs this response mechanism and results in distress. The nature of the haemostatic system’s response to stress in the form of physical activity is influenced by many factors, including the initial state, environmental factors, the type and intensity of exercise, training conditions, diet, etc. At the present stage of the development of medicine and in the context of widespread adoption of scientific advances in the field of genetics and their application in medical practice, it is possible to determine the potential of an individual in various spheres, including sports. Genes responsible for the work of the haemostatic system have already been identified, and it has been found that their defects result in a predisposition to coagulopathy or imbalanced functioning of the haemostatic system under stress. The link between haemostatic disorders and cardiovascular disease (prevailing pathology in sports) is proven. That is why the balanced functioning of the coagulation, fibrinolytic and anticoagulation systems is so important for an athlete.


haemostasis in athletes, stress and haemostatic system, haemostatic pathophysiology, sports medicine.


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