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Visual Perception of Textual Information on Web Pages with Animated Advertising Banners. Pp. 5–13.

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Section: Physiology

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Zvyagina Natalya Vasilyevna, Institute of Natural Sciences and Technologies, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia) 

Sukhoverkhova Anastasiya Mikhailovna, Institute of Natural Sciences and Technologiеs, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)


As we know, the number of Internet users is growing every year, which is actively used both to enhance learning opportunities and to promote products and services. Advertisements can be found on any web page, including those with scientific information, and are often aggressive and intrusive. Considering the leading role of vision in perceiving information on web sites, developers of advertising banners apply certain methods that can attract the user’s attention through his visual analyzer, animated banners being one of them. As is generally known, the process of visual perception is accompanied by oculomotor activity. The most common parameters of eye movements are saccades, alternating with fixations. Eye tracking provides us with information about the mechanisms of visual system functioning and cognitive processes accompanying visual perception. Considering that eye movement strategies are closely linked with solving different cognitive tasks, the authors chose to apply eye tracking to study visual perception of text information on the Internet. For this research, we developed three web sites with texts of varying complexity and animated flash banners along the periphery. The study involved 45 students of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. We found that static (number and duration of fixations) and dynamic (number and duration of saccades) parameters of eye tracking depended on the complexity of web page textual component and sex of the students. In addition, we identified individual peculiarities of visual perception of text information from web pages with animated banners.


visual perception, visual-motor response, saccades, web page, animated banners.


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