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The Level of Cortical DC Potentials in Hyperactive Primary School Children with Various Decision-Making Strategies. Pp. 46–54.

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Section: Physiology

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Startseva Larisa Fedorovna, Institute of Medical and Biological Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia) 

Podoplekin Artem Nikolaevich, Institute of Medical and Biological Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)


The paper studied the functional state of the brain in children with ADHD and varying severity of hyperactivity using various decision-making strategies. The level of DC potentials reflects decisionmaking mechanisms of children in various environments. Decision–making is the process of matching, selecting and synthesizing various afferent signals and converting them into a program of action or decision-making phase, understood as a selective excitation of a complex of neurons causing a single reaction aimed to satisfy the dominant need. One parameter of the complex result of the functional system activity causes changes in its other parameters. The same way, changes in one indicator or result of the activity of a functional system produces an immediate impact on the performance and activity of other functional systems. The study involved 91 children aged 7–11 years with hyperactivity attending comprehensive schools in Arkhangelsk. The study was conducted using the computer complex for psychophysiological research KPFK-99 Psikhomat. We also applied the hardware and software diagnostic complex Neuroenergocartographer Neuro-KM for registration, processing and analysis of the level of DC potentials of the cerebral cortex. The results showed that the first group of children had reduced activity of the frontal and stem structures, increased activity of the left temporal zone with fewer interconnections between the brain structures and no hemispheric dominance. The second group of children showed increased level of DC potentials in the stem structures and right temporal region accompanied by reduced energy expenditure in the occipital cortex and by negative dynamics in the structural and functional organization of the brain.


hyperactivity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, level of DC potentials, behavioral response.


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