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Cognitive Activity in the Habilitation Process of Children with Multiple Psychomotor Developmental Disorder. Pp. 87–94.
Section: Medical and prevention sciences
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Shalaurova Elena Viktorovna, Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
Solovyev Andrey Gorgonyevich, Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
Bocharova Elena Alekseevna, Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
Studying the development of children with multiple disorder is increasingly important due to the growing number of children with developmental disorders, which are becoming more severe. The paper presents characteristics of children with multiple psychomotor developmental disorder (MPDD) of complex nature. It is shown that cognitive deficiency in children with MPDD combined with nervous system disorders is characterized by pronounced changes in all components of mental activity and is accompanied by memory impairment, attention and perceptual disorders, inadequate behavioral manifestations, emotional lability, lack of communication skills and adaptive abilities. Such comorbidity increases the severity of health problems. Further, the paper substantiates an integrated approach to the identification of peculiarities of cognitive activity in children with complex structure of mental deficiency, considered not only from the point of view of the intellectual defect caused by residual-organic cerebral pathology, but also taking into account the development of communication skills, adaptive behaviour and sensorimotor deficit. We suggest criteria for dividing children with MPDD into groups depending on the severity and structure of their pathology: congenital malformations, motor or mental pathologies; these criteria allow us to assess the mechanisms of key dysfunctions. In addition, we show that the use of a comprehensive programme of medical, social and pedagogical habilitation contributes to the positive dynamics of adaptive behaviour, cognitive abilities and social communication skills, as well as produces an extensive effect on the intellectual and emotional spheres and personal traits of a child.
multiple psychomotor developmental disorder; intellectual disability; programme of medical, social and pedagogical habilitation; social communication.
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