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Birth Weight in Rural Areas of the Komi Republic. Pp. 5–12.

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Boyko Evgeny Rafailovich, Institute of Physiology, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar, Russia) 

Kozlovskaya Anna Vladimirovna, Komi Branch of the Kirov State Medical Academy (Syktyvkar, Russia)


The article describes labour outcomes and birth weight among women in two rural areas of the Komi Republic near Syktyvkar (n = 4186) and in Izhma (n = 4217). The retrospectively created database for the period from 1 January 1980 to 31 December 1999 allows studying the mothers’ age, parameters of newborns, number of term, premature and post-term births, as well as stillbirths. The validity of the results was assessed by Student’s paired t-test. In the first group, the highest number of births was recorded in September. In February, the average birth weight was 3.337±0.589 kg and in April, 3.335±0.573 kg, while the minimum birth weight (3.172±0.568 kg) was recorded in July. The highest proportion of stillbirths was recorded in January and February, while that of pre-term births, in January. In the Izhma district, the number of births increased in April, September and December. The highest average birth weight was recorded in October (3.352±0.580 kg), which corresponded to the highest number of postterm births (1.9 % against 0.1 % in August). The maximum number of pre-term births was recorded in February, while that of stillbirths, in March. The results showed that the variations in birth weight, number of post- and pre-term births, stillbirths and the number of children born in asphyxia are associated with the changes of the seasons/natural factors (light, temperature, nutrition, etc.). Thus, the conclusion is made that the seasons of the year affect gestation in the North.


Komi Republic, birth weight, seasonality, labour database.


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