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Functional Reserves of the Cardiorespiratory System and Peculiarities of Autonomic Heart Rate Regulation in First-Year Cadets at the University of the Ministry of the Interior. Pp. 32–40.
Section: Physiology
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Deryaginа Larisa Evgenyevna, Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
Bestaeva Anastasiya Lvovna, Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
Shipileva Natalya Vyacheslavovna, Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
Levchenko Nelly Yakovlevna, Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
Goldobin Egor Vyacheslavovich, Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
The authors studied the response of the cardiorespiratory system and autonomic heart rate regulation to graduated physical exercise in first-year cadets (Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia). Dividing the subjects into groups we considered such factors as smoking and doing sports. All the cadets had normosthenic response to physical load, while the systems under study worked more intensively in smoking cadets at rest. Cadets taking regular exercise proved to have a higher level of functional reserves of the cardiorespiratory system. The integral indicator – the functional status – was at the lower limit of normal in all the groups, corresponding to the maximum permissible level. Considering its reduction after exercise, this fact can be interpreted as a state of fatigue. A detailed statistical analysis of the estimated heart rate variability (HRV) parameters showed a moderate prevalence of activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in smoking cadets. The analysis of the autonomic heart rate regulation indicated lower activity of the sympathetic system after physical exercise, especially in smoking cadets. Having evaluated the contribution of HF, LF and VLF ranges in the groups under study, we revealed some differences in the mechanisms of heart rate regulation at rest: in the group of sportsmen, high-frequency range dominated, which correlates with the contribution of the parasympathetic division of ANS. The spectral analysis showed the dominance of suprasegmental regulatory influences (second-order slow waves) in all the groups after physical exercise, along with a significant increase in the centralization index and activity index in subcortical neural centres, which can be considered as a compensatory mechanism of maintaining the optimum level of cardiac performance during the stressful process of adaptation to work and studying.
cardiovascular system, lung capacity, physical activity, heart rate variability, regulatory influences, smoking, exercise.
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