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Informative Value of Heart Rate Variability Indices When Assessing Adaptability of Draft-Aged Males to Conditions in Northeast Russia. Pp. 66–79.

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Maksimov Arkady Leonidovich, Scientific Research Centre “Arktika”, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Magadan, Russia) 

Loskutova Alesya Nikolaevna, Scientific Research Centre “Arktika”, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Magadan, Russia) 

Averyanova Inessa Vladislavovna, Scientific Research Centre “Arktika”, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Magadan, Russia)


In this study 408 young male residents of northeast Russia were divided into three groups according to their type of autonomic regulation. We examined physical development, hemodynamics, and heart rate variability (HRV) at rest and after the active orthostatic test (AOT). The examinations revealed that not only can the type of autonomic regulation affect heart rate variability parameters, but it is also connected with morphofunctional indices. During AOT, the heart rate structure of the examinee depends on his/her specific type of automonic regulation. It shoud be noted that the determined ranges of the difference (Δ) between heart rate variability before and after AOT show that the ranges of normal reactivity in the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the test groups are decreased with higher activity of the sympathetic component. This proves that the body’s functional systems can be mobilized in a number of ways within the range of the physiological “optimum”. The analysis of all possible 9 types of autonomic reactivity to AOT has shown that optimal activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of ANS ( type 5) does not exceed 40 % in each test group; thus, one can speak of a rather high price to pay for the human body’s adaptation to extreme weather conditions in northeast Russia. We found that subjects with different types of autonomic regulation develop a specific morphofunctional profile with its structures being determined by the number of statistically informative indices forming a certain number of factors. The results obtained suggest that examinees should be stratified by the types of autonomic regulation.


draft-aged males, type of autonomic regulation, morphofunctional indices, active orthostatic test, autonomic reactivity, factor analysis, morphofunctional profile.


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