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Conditions Comorbid to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Pp. 55–64.

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Suvorinova Natalya Yuryevna, The Russian National Research medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (Moscow, Russia) 

Zavadenko Nikolay Nikolaevich, The Russian National Research medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (Moscow, Russia)


The paper dwells on conditions comorbid to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which are observed in at least 70 % of patients and lead to additional problems in family life, school education and psychosocial adaptation. Such comorbid disorders as oppositional defiant disorder, different anxiety disorders, tics and nocturnal enuresis may be present in many children and adolescents suffering from ADHD. The treatment of ADHD should be long enough and be planned taking into account both the core ADHD symptoms and comorbid disorders. When choosing pharmacotherapy, preference should be given to the medicines having as monotherapy a positive effect on both the core symptoms of ADHD and comorbid emotional, behavioral and other disorders. From this point of view, we considered the therapeutic action of atomoxetine hydrochloride, adaptol and tenoten.


attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, comorbidity, diagnosis, pharmacotherapy.


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