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Section: Download (pdf, 2.4MB )UDC612.82; 612.66; 612-092AuthorsPodoplekin Artem Nikolaevich, Institute of Medical and Biological Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)AbstractThe paper studied the level of cerebral DC potentials in adolescents with ADHD using psychoactive substances (PAS). It was revealed that the formation of substance dependence in adolescents with ADHD has its clinical and physiological peculiarities. Substance use leads to increased functional activity of the brain, particularly in early and mid-teens, and violation of the principle of “dome-shaped” distribution of cerebral DC potentials, which indicates negative effects of PAS on subcortical structures. Energy supply to the frontal areas of the brain is reduced as compared to other areas, which is clinically presented by intensified attention deficit and behavioural disorders. Dominance of the right hemisphere is connected with affective disorders and high emotional lability. The earlier the onset of substance use, the more adverse the effect on the functioning and maturation of the adolescent brain.Keywordsattention deficit hyperactivity disorder, psychoactive substances, cerebral DC, level of potentials, adolescence.References
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