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Frequency of Elevated Dopamine Levels and Its Relationship with Sex Hormones in Men from the European North. C. 21–29

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Gorenko Irina Nikolaevna
The Institute of Environmental Physiology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Arkhangelsk, Russia)


The content and the frequency of elevated dopamine levels in the blood were determined in clinically healthy men living in the European North. The percentage of individuals with elevated dopamine levels in the blood is statistically significantly higher in clinically healthy men from Arkhangelsk that in men from Nes village. Abnormally high levels of dopamine are associated with statistically significantly lower levels of sex hormone binding β-globulin and elevated levels of antisperm antibodies and estradiol compared to individuals with normal dopamine level. Abnormally high dopamine levels are positively correlated with the value of antisperm antibodies. The group with normal dopamine levels showed negative relationships between dopamine and free testosterone and sex hormone binding β-globulin. Stepwise multiple regressions revealed a positive role of high dopamine levels in maintaining estradiol synthesis in men from Arkhangelsk as well as an inhibitory effect of reference dopamine levels on the synthesis of free testosterone in men from Nes village.


sex hormones, dopamine, antisperm antibodies, sex hormone binding β-globulin


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