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A Comprehensive Approach to Determination of Adaptation Level in University Students of Different Social Groups. C. 56–62

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Notova Svetlana Viktorovna
Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, Orenburg State University (Orenburg, Russia)
Davydova Natalya Olegovna
Institute of Bioelementology; Orenburg State University (Orenburg, Russia)
Cheremushnikova Irina Ivanovna
Institute of Bioelementology; Orenburg State University (Orenburg, Russia)


The paper presents the results of the study on somatic and psycho-physiological adaptation of Orenburg State University students from different social groups. We analyzed phenotypic signs of adaptation to the educational process in orphan students and performed a brief analysis of the main parameters of heart rate variability and four psychological tests (Buss-Durkee Inventory in A.K. Osnitsky’s adaptation, Lüscher Colour Test, Healthy Behaviour Test, and G.E. Anderson’s Life Events Sale). Adaptation of orphan students had certain peculiarities both in terms of somatic-physiological (heart rate variability) and psychophysiological (level of aggression, personal balance, performance) parameters. Significant differences between the orphan and non-orphan groups were observed in their heart rate variability, Healthy Behaviour and Lüscher Colour Test. We believe that an individual approach to this category of students can be efficient in their adaptation to the conditions of the university.


students, orphan students, phenotypic adaptation, stress level, heat rate variability


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