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The Influence of Vasodilators on Rheological Properties of Blood. C. 63–69

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Tikhomirova Irina Aleksandrovna
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Yaroslavl, Russia)
Oslyakova Anna Olegovna
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Yaroslavl, Russia)


The paper studied the effect of vasoactive substances increasing the level of cGMP (nitric oxide donor, nitroglycerine and PDE 5 inhibitor zaprinast) on rheological properties of blood in healthy persons and in patients with cardiac failure. Red blood cells were incubated in saline (control) and in the presence of the investigated substances (experiment). We evaluated blood viscosity as well as red blood cells aggregability and deformability. Higherblood fluidity due to optimization of erythrocyte cellular properties (decreased agggregability and increased deformability) was observed in the presence of these substances both in healthy subjects and in patients with cardiac failure. The similarity between the effects of nitric oxide donor, nitroglycerine and PDE 5 inhibitor zaprinast proves that cGMP of erythrocytes is involved in the mechanism of their microrheological properties modification.


rheological properties of blood, vasoactive substances, effect of vasodilators


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