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Physical Development of Primary School Children – Participants of the Innovative Program "Solovki Sea Cadets". C. 70–77
(pdf, 2.5MB )
Fedotov Denis Mikhailovich
Institute of Medical and Biological Research,
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
We studied the dynamics of physical development of 73 children (46 boys and 27 girls), 1st to
4th graders, participating in the innovative educational program “Solovki Sea Cadets” providing
increased motor activity in primary school. Basic parameters of physical and functional development
were evaluated, anthropometric indices (Quetelet-2, Erismann, Vervaeck, and Pignet), and the index of
circulatory system adaptive capacity were calculated. It was found that by the time of graduation from
primary school, the cadets leave their peers far behind in terms of key somatometric parameters. We
saw a significant positive growth dynamics in functional parameters standing for stamina and fitness of
the child’s body on the whole. Increased motor activity proved to have a positive effect on sea cadets
compared to their peers studying in primary schools.
physical development, primary school age, increased motor activity
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