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Adreno- and M-Cholinergic Reactivity of Erythrocytes in Women Throughout Their Reproductive Process. C. 78–90

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Tsirkin Viktor Ivanovich
Kazan State Medical University (Kazan, Russia)
Volodchenko Anna Ivanovna
Postgraduate Student, Vyatka State Humanities University (Kirov, Russia)
Khlybova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna
Institute for Postgraduate Education, Kirov State Medical Academy (Kirov, Russia)
Dmitrieva Svetlana Leonidovna
Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Centre (Kirov, Russia)
Bratukhina Olga Anatolyevna
Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Centre (Kirov, Russia)


The paper studied adreno- and M-cholinergic reactivity of erythrocytes in non-pregnant women, those with normal pregnancy and labour and women with the threat of preterm labour (TPL). We determined the start time of erythrocyte agglutination (STEА) in women with А, В or АВ blood types in isohemagglutinating serum of anti-(A+B) and changes in STEА under the influence of adrenaline (10-10-10-6 g/ml) and acetylcholine (10-10-10-6 g/ml). We found that adrenaline and acetylcholine increase the rate of erythrocyte agglutination in women during the follicular phase of the cycle, have no effect on it during the luteal phase and in women in their 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy, reduce it during the 3rd trimester, and increase it in parturient women and those with TPL. Adreno- and M-cholinergic reactivity of erythrocytes in women depends on the stage of their reproductive process and existence of TPL, which reflects the changes in the number and efficiency of activating various populations of erythrocyte adrenergic and cholinergic receptors.


M-cholinergic reactivity of erythrocytes, adrenocholinergic reactivity of erythrocytes, erythrocyte agglutination rate, pregnant women, adrenergic receptors, cholinergic receptors


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