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Influence of Fronto-Thalamic System Dysfunction on Speech Development in 7–8-Year-Old Children. C. 42–49

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Emelyanova Tatyana Valeryevna
Institute of Medical and Biological Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)


The paper presents the results of the study on speech function in children aged 7–8 years with varying degrees of maturity of the fronto-thalamic system. Having analyzed the formation of structural components of speech, verbal operations and verbal thinking, we found significantly lower levels (p <0,01-0,05) of phonemic perception, lexical and grammatical speech structure, coherence and voluntary regulation of speech in first-graders with EEG signs of fronto-thalamic system dysfunction. The following conclusions were made: deficiency of the fronto-thalamic regulatory system has an adverse effect on voluntary speech and results in absence of certain units of speech function and problems with stimuli recognition when perceiving symbolic information.


fronto-thalamic system, speech disorders, primary school children


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