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Comparative Analysis of the Influence of Voluntary Hyperventilation and Exercise on Human Balance Function. C. 50–56
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Makarenkova Elena Aleksandrovna
Postgraduate Student, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Yaroslavl, Russia)
Malakhov Maksim Viktorovich
Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (Yaroslavl, Russia)
Melnikov Andrey Aleksandrovich
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University
named after K.D. Ushinsky (Yaroslavl, Russia)
The paper compares the degrees of postural stability reduction in healthy subjects (n = 111) as a result
of two disturbing actions: during maximal voluntary hyperventilation and immediately after submaximal
bicycle exercise. Vertical posture stability was investigated using stabilography. We found that both
disturbing actions significantly increase the variance of fluctuations in the frontal and sagittal planes,
the area of fluctuations as well as the mean linear velocity of center of pressure fluctuations. Medium
strength correlations were established between stabilographic and ventilation parameters. The degree
of reduction of postural stability was higher during maximal hyperventilation than after submaximal
exercise. Thus, the effect of maximal hyperventilation on vertical posture stability is greater than the
effect of submaximal exercise.
human balance, stabilography, bicycle exercise, hyperventilation
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