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Mechanisms Regulating Blood Flow to the Skin in Various Age Groups. C. 73–78
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Tveritina Elena Sergeevna
Postgraduate Student,
Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod, Russia)
Using Laser Doppler Flowmetry we established age-related differences in skin microvessel regulation
in adolescents and young people during local heating. In thermoneutral environment, young girls, compared
to older girls, had a higher neurogenic and myogenic vascular tone and a similar effect of the pulse wave
and chest excursion on the blood flow. However, at local hyperthermia we observed blood flow modulation
due to decreasing sympathetic effect on the vascular wall of arterioles, which causes an increase in shunting
blood flow through arteriolovenular anastomoses. Older girls had changes mainly in the myogenic tone of the
vascular wall with inclusion of passive factors of blood flow regulation, especially pronounced at the given
end temperature.
skin microvessels, thermoneutral conditions, local hyperthermia, blood flow regulation
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