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Adaptive Response in Fishing Fleet Seamen During a 75-Day’s Voyage. C. 91–99

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[612.017.2-057:613.12] (268.4):639.239


Shcherbina Fedor Aleksandrovich
Institute of Education Development (Murmansk, Russia)


The research studied the changes in the bodies of seamen (n = 34) according to their central hemodynamics and factor model of the functional test recovery period, described by the changes in ωs-potential during a 75-day’s voyage. We measured ωs-potential using the galvanometric method and cardiovascular system parameters on the 5th–7th, 35th–37th and 65th–67th day of the voyage. For the quantitative description of the changes in ωs-potential during physical load tests, we used coefficient of variation calculated for each seaman. In this case, coefficient of variation acts as an integrated quantity describing the range of changes in ωs-potential during the recovery period. It was revealed that advanced malfunction of brain adaptation during the first month of the voyage caused changes in the functional state of the cardiovascular system and reduced its functionality during the second month of the voyage. Having analyzed the distribution of coefficients of variation, we were able to single out four main types of adaptive process. This research proves that assessment of ωs-potential is a valid method for estimating responsiveness in seamen during a long voyage, as well as the body’s reserve capacity and the mechanism of forming adaptive programs.


fishing fleet seamen, brain constant potential, central hemodynamics


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Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"

Forest Journal 

Arctic and North  
