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Spatial Synchronization of Brain Biopotential During Perception of the Melodic Component of Audio-Stimuli. C. 32–38
Section: Physiology
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Kunavin Mikhail Alekseevich
Institute of Natural Sciences and Technologies, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
Sokolova Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Institute of Natural Sciences and Technologies, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
(Arkhangelsk, Russia)
Contemporary researchers studying music perception often use complete pieces of music of
different styles as a stimulus. Such an approach does not contribute to understanding how different
components of musical audio-stimuli interact with each other and gives rise to various conflicting theories
of music perception. A piece of music should be regarded as complex auditory stimuli including such
characteristics as rhythm, key and melody. This study aims to identify peculiarities of functional brain
organization when perceiving the melodic component of audio-stimuli. Our study involved students of
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov without music education (70 subjects,
mean age 20.4±1.2 years). Electroencephalogram was recorded at rest and when listening to musical
audio-stimuli, computer-generated using TuxGuitar software. We studied spatio-temporal organization
of brain bioelectrical activity of the subjects perceiving the tempo, rhythm and melody of audio-stimuli.
Using the repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance (RM MANOVA), we found patterns of
cortical interaction that are uniquely associated with the melody analysis. Inclusion of melodic patterns
in the composition of audio-stimuli proved to have a significant impact on the structure of spatio-temporal
relationships of brain biopotentials in theta- and beta-rhythm ranges. We found increased coherence
levels within the fronto-thalamic modulating system in subjects listening to the melodies. In the betarhythm
range we saw a formation of cortical neural network of ineterhemispheric interaction with the
focus of activity in posterior associative areas of the right hemisphere.
brain bioelectrical activity, coherence, music perception, audio-stimuli, melodic component
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