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The Role of Breath-Holding in Maintaining Postural Stability After Maximal Exercise. C. 58–65
Section: Physiology
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Nikolaev Roman Yuryevich
Soloviev Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University (Rybinsk, Russia)
Melnikov Andrey Aleksandrovich
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Yaroslavl, Russia)
We measured stability of the vertical posture before and after the maximal bicycle exercise
(Wingate test, Monark 828E) using stabilography (Stabilan 1-02, OKB “Ritm”) on an unstable
surface (paperweight) at even breathing and inspiratory breath-holding. We found that exercise
increased the amplitude (p < 0.05 during 30 seconds) and velocity (p < 0.01 during 2 min
10 sec) of vertical posture oscillations at even breathing. Furthermore, after the load we saw a rise
in absolute oscillation power within all frequency ranges of the spectrum. Breath-holding, however,
impeded absolute power increase within the low frequency range (p < 0.01). Breath-holding after
a physical load helped preserve the initial level of oscillation amplitude as well as hamper linear
velocity (p < 0.05) and the power of low-frequency oscillations of the body (p < 0.01). In addition, the
recovery period for the oscillation rate at breath-holding was 1 min less. The obtained results clearly
show that pulmonary hyperventilation following an intense exercise significantly reduces vertical
stability, while breath-holding, in contrast, allows one to maintain amplitude of oscillations on the
initial level and considerably hamper the rise in oscillation velocity. Thus, short-term postural stability
at bodily fatigue in athletes can be achieved by inspiratory breath-holding.
stabilography, postural balance, exercise, apnea, fatigue
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