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Reserve Capacity Evaluation of the System Regulating Blood Circulation in Shift Workers in the Polar Region. C. 81–91

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Sarychev Aleksandr Sergeevich
Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russia)


The paper presents the results of a dynamic cohort study aimed to assess the reserve capacity of the system regulating blood circulation in shift workers (n=76) using active orthostatic test. It is known that during the orthostatic test, gravity loads directly affect the mechanisms regulating blood circulation and, depending on the individual functional reserves, may involve various levels of the control system into the regulatory process. Shift workers with the expeditionary work-rest schedule showed two clear peaks of maximum load on their functional systems during fatigue development. The first peak was observed upon arrival and upon starting to work. Then a rapid increase in the number of workers belonging to this category was recorded in the second half of the shift work period (after 30–35 days); first of all, these were the workers that experienced chronic fatigue by the middle of the work period. When it comes to the expeditionary and rotational work-rest schedule, only 3.6 % of workers developed fatigue. Low adaptive capacity provokes changes in systolic pressure, accompanied by the growing predominance of the sympathetic division. This knowledge can be used when recruiting shift workers.


Polar region, shift work, assessment of functional reserves, variational cardiointervalography, system regulating blood circulation


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