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Cerebral Energy Metabolism in Older Women Living in the European North of Russia (Exemplified by the Arkhangelsk region). P. 5–12

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Irina S. Deputat*, Anatoliy V. Gribanov*, Irina L. Bol’shevidtseva*
*Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)


This article presents the results of the study into cerebral energy metabolism in older women living in the Russian North by calculating relative values of the distribution of their DC potential level (DCPL). DCPL is one of the types of superslow physiological processes recorded between the brain and reference areas using DC amplifiers. It characterizes the level of relatively stable functioning of the areas of brain structures and is a quantitative measure of the current functional status of the object under study. DCPL parameters reflect individual characteristics of the total and local energy expenditures and allow us to assess their intensity. The study involved 267 older women (55–64 years old) born and residing in the Arkhangelsk Region. DCPL was analysed in unipolar leads using a 12-channel hardware and software diagnostic complex Neyroenergometr-KM (produced by Statokyn medical research company). The obtained characteristics of DCPL distribution were compared to the average benchmark values for each age group, built-in into the software. The study revealed changes in the distribution of DCPL in all parts of the brain in older women living in the Russian North, compared with reference values. The results of the experimental study found certain peculiarities of cerebral energy processes in older women living in the Russian North which indicate a decline in the role of the cortex in producing descending effects on the underlying regulatory structures. In addition, we found that redistribution of energy expenditure involves frontal regions of the brain and revealed a tendency for DCPL distribution becoming less smooth in the subjects under physiological stress. Reduction of DCPL in the frontal area is accompanied by increased values in the central leads. Thus, energy expenditure in older women is growing not due to redistribution within a particular part of the brain, but due to reduction of energy metabolism in the frontal areas, which ultimately decreases reserve capacity of the brain.


Europеan North of Russia, older adults, DC potential distribution, brain energy state


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