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Impact of Local Hand and Foot Skin Cooling on Peripheral Hemodynamic Parameters in Young Men and Women in the European North of Russia. P. 22–29
Section: Physiology
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Elena V. Korobitsyna*/**, Lyudmila A. Mel’kova**, Andrey B. Gudkov */**
*Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
**Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
This article presents an analysis of peripheral hemodynamic response to local hand and foot skin cooling in young men (n = 27) and women (n = 30) born and permanently residing in the European North of Russia. The research aimed to determine the response of the cardiovascular system to local hand and foot skin cooling. Using the hardware and software complex Symona 111 Integrated Monitoring System, we evaluated the following parameters of peripheral hemodynamics: indicators of perfusion blood flow (cardiac index (CI) and heart rate (HR)), transport of oxygen (oxygen delivery (DO2), arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) and arterial oxygen content (CaO2)). The initial values and the values just after the
cold stress, which consisted in dipping the hand into cold water (24°С, 15°С, and 8°С), were registered.
The same method and the same temperatures were applied to cool the foot. It was found that local hand
and foot skin cooling causes significant increase in peripheral hemodynamic parameters. For example,
young men had a statistically significant reduction in HR when their peripheral thermoreceptors of hand
and foot skin were exposed to cold. We observed the same trend in young women, who in addition
showed a decrease in CI at foot cooling. More pronounced changes in the cardiovascular system
occurred in women than in men and during cooling of the foot than of the hand.
local hand and foot skin cooling, peripheral hemodynamic parameters, cardiovascular system response to local cooling
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