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The Role of Gene Polymorphisms of the Renin-Angiotensin System in the Formation of Cardiovascular Pathology. P. 30–39
Section: Physiology
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Sergey N. Levitskiy*, Ol’ga A. Pervukhina*, Natal’ya A. Bebyakova*
*Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
This paper summarizes Russian and foreign literature on the role of hereditary factors in the
development of cardiovascular disease. In addition, it studies the influence of candidate genes
determining the synthesis of angiotensinogen (AGT) and angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AGTR1). The
most widely studied are the variants connected with single-nucleotide substitutions Т704С (М235Т,
М268Т) and С521Т (Т174М, Т207М) in the AGT gene as well as Т573С and А1166С polymorphisms of
the AGTR1 gene. Clinical practice has proved these polymorphisms to be the most important ones. The
authors of this paper have analysed the results of many years’ research conducted both in Russia and
abroad identifying associations between gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS)
and changes in the function of the cardiovascular system, in particular, the development of hypertension,
risk of vascular complications, cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, left ventricular
hypertrophy, etc. The results of the examined investigations fail to answer the question of whether the
AGT and AGTR1 polymorphisms under study are functionally significant. It has been established that
abnormal alleles of these polymorphisms occur with different frequencies in different populations and
are not always associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The inconsistency of the
findings can be explained by the complexity of RAS and multiplicity of physiological effects produced
by it on the cardiovascular and other body systems. Further genetic associative research will promote
identification of genetic markers of cardiovascular diseases.
genetic markers of cardiovascular disease, AGT and AGTR1 gene polymorphisms, renin-angiotensin system
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