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The Study of Extreme States of the Human Body by Tissue Culture (from the Experience of Northern State Medical University). P. 40–48
Section: Physiology
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Vladimir P. Pashchenko*
*Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
The article reports on the work of the Tissue and Cell Culture Laboratory (Northern State Medical
University) regarding the use of primary tissue cultures to assess the physiological state of cells by
studying their response to stress, extreme effects and impacts of biologically active substances. The
method of primary tissue cultures on the glass surface (tube wall) was utilized. Medium 199 with 10–
15 % bovine serum was taken as a nutrient medium. The experiments were conducted on white outbred
mice with the use of kidney tissue. Direct cooling of tissue for one hour at a temperature of 20 °C
resulted in a decrease in the number of growing cultures, whereas a single cooling of the animals
at a temperature of –10 °C to the state of cold anaesthesia was accompanied by an increase in the
number of kidney tissue cultures compared to the control, indicating an improvement in the functional
activity of cells in this organ. Total irradiation of mice with X-rays in the doses of 500 r and 1000 r,
ageing of the animals and their complete starvation for 5 days, as well as their acute poisoning with
cadmium chloride – an inhibitor of sulfhydryl groups – resulted in delayed formation of cell colonies.
Conversely, an enhanced growth of cultivated kidney tissues was observed on the 3rd and 5th day after
subcutaneous burn inflammation, 28th and 30th growth day of Ehrlich carcinoma, and on the 3rd and
6th day of the development of compensatory renal hypertrophy. Further, in vitro and in vivo experiments
studied the effect of adrenaline, acetylcholine, histamine, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and
some substances of sulfhydryl nature. It was found that the method of tissue culture can be applied to
identify the cytophysiological state of the body’s tissue cells under extreme stress.
tissue culture techniques, extreme states of the body, stress response, tissue growth and regeneration
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