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Lipid Metabolism Disorders in Chronic Alcohol Intoxication. P. 67–72
Section: Medical and biological sciences
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Veronika A. Solov’eva*, Fatima A. Bichkaeva**, Nataliya V. Solov’eva*, Larisa P. Udovenkova***
*Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
**Federal Centre for Integrated Arctic Research, Russian Academy of Sciences (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
***City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after E.E. Volosevych
(Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
Metabolic disorders in patients with chronic alcohol intoxication (CAI) can indicate early stages of
somatic, neurological and mental changes in the body. Although recent years have seen significant
advances in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol-induces disorders, many aspects of changes in
lipid metabolism remain insufficiently studied. To reveal hidden lipid metabolism disorders in CAI, we
recommend using a sequence of laboratory tests, which, along with standard lipid parameters (total
cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TGs), low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL)),
measure the levels of apolipoproteins A and B (antiatherogenic apo A and atherogenic apo B fractions).
After alcohol abuse, addicts with high level of HDL and low atherogenic index often show reduced
content of very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and LDL compared to healthy individuals, which may
seem to indicate a good level of anti-atherogenic protection. However, low level of apo A in HDL and
high level of apo B in LDL composition indicate the presence of true lipid metabolism disorders and can
serve as indicators of the risk of asymptomatic cardiovascular disеase in patients with CAI. These data
can help detect hidden metabolic disorders and choose an effective therapy of alcohol-induced somatic
disorders when developing individual treatment and rehabilitation plans, especially considering the quite
frequent anosognosia and uncritical attitude to one’s own health in alcoholic patients.
chronic alcohol intoxication, lipid metabolism disorders, apolipoproteins, markers of alcoholinduced disorders
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