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Distribution of c erebral DC Potential Level in Foreign Students at Local Cooling in Humid Environment (Exemplified by Arkhangelsk Universities). P. 5–15
Section: Physiology
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Anatoliy V. Gribanov*, Natal’ya Yu. Anikina*
*Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
This article studied the distribution of DC potential level (DCPL) at local hand cooling in water in
69 foreign students from southern or temperate latitudes during their first months of living in the European
North of Russia. DCPL describes the level of stable functioning of brain structures, while its deviation
from the norm can serve as an indicator of the effectiveness of the body’s adaptive adjustments under
changing environmental conditions. The potentials were recorded unipolarly in 5 main leads. Local hand
cooling was performed in water for 1 min. We recorded the DC potential level in background distribution,
at the beginning and at the end of the cold test, as well as in the 1st, 5th and 10th minute of the recovery
period. The analysis of the results allowed us to determine sex-related differences in the formation of
adaptive mechanisms. Young men showed coordinated work of the cerebral cortex, limbic system and
reticular formation. The lack of hemispheric dominance indicates active processes of interhemispheric
integration, which brings us to the conclusion that adaptive adjustments take place in this group during
their first months in the new climatic conditions. Female students showed increased DC potential level,
which indicates a high level of strain in adaptation processes due to changes in the endocrine system
and, possibly, social adaptation. Stagnant activation of the right hemisphere in the female group is a
marker of incomplete adaptation which, if it persists, can cause desynchronization of body systems resulting
in various diseases.
DC potential level, foreign students in the North, local cooling in humid environment, adaptation of the body, energy transfer in the brain
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Arctic and North