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Changes in Human Blood Microcirculation When Changing the Body Position (Exemplified by the Inhabitants of the Yaroslavl Region). P. 16–24

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Section: Physiology

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Ol’ga A. Ovchinnikova*
*Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Yaroslavl, Russian Federation)


Assessment of the regulation of blood supply to the skin and functional capacity of the microcirculation system is an important issue in human physiology. Changes in the body position are accompanied by redistribution of blood flow in the vascular bed and by adaptive response of the circulatory system. Peripheral blood flow takes place in the vessels of individual organs and tissues and provides adequate blood supply to them, adjusting to the constantly changing metabolic activity. We used Laser Doppler Flowmetry together with the wavelet analysis of the amplitude-frequency spectrum of microcirculatory fluctuations in a group of healthy volunteers of both sexes aged 23–30 years to evaluate the state of skin microcirculation and regulation mechanisms of tissue blood flow in sitting and lying subjects. During transition to horizontal position, the subjects showed reducing peak amplitudes of both active and passive factors of microcirculation control. These lower values of active range amplitudes when moving into a horizontal position indicate increasing rigidity of the vascular wall and growing microvasculature resistance. Reducing respiratory rate amplitudes observed in the lying position can be a sign of an improved venous outflow. Our findings indicate blood redistribution in the microvasculature and a greater involvement of neurogenic, myogenic and cardiac components of microcirculation modulation in the horizontal position. The breath-holding test revealed no significant differences in terms of microcirculation and indicated similar mechanisms of blood flow regulation at short-term hypoxia when changing the body position.


blood microcirculation system, Laser Doppler Flowmetry, orthostatic stress, breath-holding test


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