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Physiological Stress Standards at Manual Labour in High Latitudes. P. 25–36
Section: Physiology
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Yuriy G. Solonin*, Evgeniy R. Boyko*, Boris T. Velichkovskiy**
*Institute of Physiology, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar, Russian Federation)
**N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation)
In this work we studied existing problems in establishing physiological stress standards at intense
manual labour in high latitudes. We analysed literature data on the effects of environmental and climatic
factors of the Far North on human health. Many work tasks require additional energy expenditures
when performed outdoors. People working in the Far North develop specific adaptive changes in their
respiratory system, accompanied by dyspnea, which indicates a higher physiological cost of work. Special
focus was given to air humidity during cold days. In circumpolar regions, absolute air humidity is low not only outdoors, but also indoors (both in workrooms and dwellings). It is known that breathing overdry
air decreases permeability of the blood-air barrier. Water from the lung capillary blood permeates the
surface of alveolar mucosa, while oxygen dissolved in this water moves back into the lung capillaries.
Counter diffusion reduces the diffusion rate of oxygen through biological membranes. We suggest that
this counter diffusion of water and oxygen through the alveolar-capillary membrane is the main reason
for the observed ventilation decrease in the residents of the Far North, resulting in hypoxaemia and
hypocapnia. In this paper, we suggest time standards for intense physical labour in high latitudes. In
addition, we provide physiological and hygienic recommendations and propose a programme for the
development of a scientifically substantiated adaptation regimen for the enlisted personnel in the Arctic
zone. In our opinion, further improvements are required in the system of occupational selection for work
and service in high latitudes. We also believe that corrections are needed in the existing permitted values
for certain workplace factors, work and rest schedules, as well as nutrition and housing standards.
manual labour in high latitudes, physiological stress standards, respiratory adaptation to the dry air, workers’ health
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Arctic and North