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The Functional State of the Human Body During Translatitude Sea Voyages in the Arctic. P. 37–47
Section: Physiology
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Denis M. Fedotov*, Lyubov’ A. Mel’kova*, Artem N. Podoplekin*
*Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
This paper studied the body’s functional state in the members of the research expedition “Arctic
Floating University – 2015” in the White and Barents Sea basins. A group of 44 people aged between 20
and 66 years took part in this study. The sample was divided into 2 groups by their age: up to 35 years
(26 subjects) and older than 35 years (18 subjects). The functional state of the body was evaluated
during the first 5 days (Phase 1) and from the 16th to the 19th day (Phase 2) of the voyage using the following computer appliances: Simona 111 Integrated Monitoring System and VNS-Spektr. The age
group up to 35 years showed by the end of the voyage a statistically significant reduction in median
values of systolic blood pressure by 1.5 % (p = 0.038) and of mean arterial blood pressure by 0.6 %
(p = 0.049). In the group of subjects older than 35 years, cardiovascular system parameters did not
change significantly during the voyage, which can be explained by a lower degree of reactivity of the
cardiovascular system. The dynamics of the changes in integral indicators suggests multidirectional
changes in the current functional state of the expedition members, which, however, stays within the
limits of their age norms. A comparative evaluation of heart rate variability parameters shows an
increasing activity of parasympathetic effects by the end of the voyage in subjects up to 35 years old
and a growing activity of the sympathoadrenal system with an impact on the humoral component of
regulation in subjects older than 35 years. An analysis of the data on the state of the autonomic nervous
system allows us to interpret these changes as an adequate response of the cardiovascular system of
the expedition members to a number of factors of the environment on board. The results showed no
significant negative impacts of a short-term sea voyage in high latitudes on the functional state of the
body of expedition members. However, further research into human adaptation during translatitude sea
voyages is required in order to develop practical recommendations for health maintenance in people
undertaking seа voyages to high latitudes.
human adaptation to Arctic conditions, translatitude sea voyage, cardiovascular system parameters, heart rate variability
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Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
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Arctic and North