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Background and BAS-Induced Changes in Erythrocyte Functional State as Indicators of the Threat of Preterm Labour in Women (Part 1). P. 48–62
Section: Physiology
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Viktor I. Tsirkin*/**, Aleksandr D. Nozdrachev***, Konstantin Yu. Anisimov****, Svetlana L. Dmitrieva*****, Ol’ga A. Bratukhina*****, Svetlana V. Khlybova******
*Kazan State Medical University (Kazan, Russian Federation)
**Vyatka State University (Kirov, Russian Federation)
***Saint Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
****Ural State Medical University (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)
*****Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Centre (Kirov, Russian Federation)
******Kirov State Medical University (Kirov, Russian Federation)
This paper analyses literature by 32 indicators that reflect the background and induced by biologically active substances (BAS) functional state of erythrocytes in pregnant (all trimesters) and parturient (latent phase, stage 1 of labour) women and those with threatened preterm labour (TPL). Eleven indicators reflect the aggregation and sedimentation properties of erythrocytes (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR), 6 – erythrocyte osmotic resistance (EOR) to hypotonic medium, and 15 – erythrocyte agglutinability determined by their agglutination start time (AST). All of the indicators are studied in terms of their use for the diagnosis of TPL and probability estimation of TPL transition to preterm labour (PL). Part 1 examines the first two groups of indicators. The analysis showed good prospects of further research into the background and BAS-induced ESR of heparinized venous blood (ESRHEP). For instance, this method revealed that background ESRHEP reaches its response maximum at term labour and TPL. In addition, we describe the changes in the nature of ESRHEP response during pregnancy, labour and at TPL to adrenaline, acetylcholine, oxytocin, serotonin, dydrogesterone and estradiol, as well as the ability of dydrogesterone to modulate ESRHEP responses to these BAS. The method of ESRHEP proved that erythrocytes contain two populations of oxytocin receptors (OR): atosiban-sensitive (dydrogesterone increases the efficiency of their activation in women with TPL) and atosiban-insensitive. Further, this article describes an original method of estimating background and BAS-induced EOR based on a shortterm (30–120 sec) exposure of erythrocytes in distilled water containing 2.5 mM CaCl2; during the study
of erythrocyte response to adrenaline and acetylcholine the water contained adrenergic and cholinergic
agents, respectively. Moreover, the paper shows an increase in background EOR in pregnancy (including
at TPL), peaking at labour, as well as a rising activation efficiency of erythrocyte beta-adrenoceptors
during pregnancy and a prenatal increase in activation efficiency of alpha-adrenoceptors.
erythrocyte functional state, indicators of the threat of preterm labour, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, erythrocyte osmotic resistance, erythrocyte sedimentation and aggregation, pregnancy, labour
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