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Organometric and Morphometric Changes in the Testes of Immature Rats After Deliberately Induced Immunosuppression. P. 63–71
Section: Medical and biological sciences
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Svetlana A. Kashchenko*, Aleksey A. Zakharov*
*Lugansk State Medical University (Lugansk, Ukraine)
Reproductive health is one of the criteria for determining life quality in a country. The male reproductive
system is one of the most sensitive body systems that responds to environmental pollution, which leads to
the development of immunosuppression. A considerable role in the development of homeostatic disorders is played by various medical effects, including deliberately induced immunosuppression. Our aim was to
study organometric parameters of testes in immature experimental animals after immunosuppression. We
studied changes in the structure of testes in 30 immature rats after administration of cyclophosphamide
at a dose of 1.5 mg/kg body weight for 10 days. The rats were obtained from the vivarium of Lugansk
State Medical University, where they had been kept under standard conditions and adequately fed.
The experiment was guided by the ethical standards applicable to work with experimental animals. The
rats were taken out from the experiment after 1, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days following drug administration.
We measured the absolute and relative weight of the organ and its linear dimensions. On histological
microslides we determined the diameter and area of the convoluted seminiferous tubules, as well as
the thickness and area of the epitheliospermatogenic layer. The obtained data were processed using
the license program StatSoft Statistica v6.0; the statistical significance of the difference between the
indices of the experimental and control groups was determined by the Student-Fisher’s test (p < 0.05).
Significant differences of organometric and morphometric parameters from the control data in the later
stages of observation after drug administration were established, indicating an active response of testes
to exogenous impacts. The absence of significant changes in the early stages of the experiment may
be associated with the body’s systemic reaction to exogenous impacts, typical for this age period, and
immaturity of the testis as a reproductive organ.
immature rat’s testis, organometric features of testes, morphometric features of testes, cyclophosphamide, deliberately induced immunosuppression
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