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Neurophysiological Features of Older Women with Postural Instability. P. 22–31
Section: Physiology
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Deryabina Irina Nikolaevna
Institute of Medical and Biological Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
3 proezd Badigina, Arkhangelsk, 163045, Russian Federation;
Kereush Yana Vladimirovna
Institute of Medical and Biological Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
3 proezd Badigina, Arkhangelsk, 163045, Russian Federation;
Moroz Taisiya Petrovna
Institute of Medical and Biological Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
3 proezd Badigina, Arkhangelsk, 163045, Russian Federation;
Demin Aleksandr Viktorovich
Institute of Medical and Biological Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
3 proezd Badigina, Arkhangelsk, 163045, Russian Federation;
In order to maintain upright posture, the postural control system has to support the body against gravity and balance the centre of gravity in the vertical projection. However, despite the fact that standard principles of maintaining control of upright posture have long been known, no research has up to now been done into the neurophysiological features of the postural control system in postural instability. This work studied behavioral responses and brain bioelectrical activity in 65 older women (55–74 years) with various levels of postural stability. To analyse behavioral responses in different environments, we used the Binatest computer test system. Brain bioelectrical activity was recorded using the 128-channel GES- 300 system (USA) with a GSN helmet. We used 16 standard leads for the analysis. According to EEG at rest, women with postural instability had statistically significantly lower values of spectral power in alpha and beta ranges in the frontal area of the right hemisphere. We also revealed lower amplitude of beta range oscillations in the prefrontal, frontal, and central areas of the right hemisphere. The analysis of behavioral responses in older women with postural instability showed a slower rate of information processing resulting in longer time of response selection and search activity. Difficulties in probabilistic forecasting and in changing cognitive response strategy were also revealed. The data obtained indicate postural control deficiencies in this group of women, which can be causing their postural instability.
older people, postural stability, brain bioelectrical activity, behavioral response
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