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Dynamics of Psychophysiological Parameters in Students Living in Omsk at the Use of Neurobiofeedback to Enhance Alpha Rhythm of Brain Bioelectrical Activity. P. 32–41

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Kaygorodtseva Olga Vladimirovna
Postgraduate Student, Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sport
144 Maslennikova St., Omsk, 644009, Russian Federation;
Talamova Irina Gennadyevna
Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sport
144 Maslennikova St., Omsk, 644009, Russian Federation;
Tristan Valery Grigoryevich
Department of Physical Education and Sports in Moscow
21 Kirovogradskaya St., korp. 1, str. 2, Moscow, 117519, Russian Federation;


This article studied the effects of local alpha-enhancement training (LAET) on the psychophysiological parameters in students with various initial power of electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha rhythm. We also looked whether these parameters would persist during the year that followed. LAET was given to students of Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sport (n = 25). LAEF sessions were held on a daily basis (once a day before noon). The control group consisted of 21 subjects. The psychophysiological state of the students was studied in five stages during one year: 1) just before the LAET course; 2) after the course; 3) three months after the course; 4) six months after the course; 5) one year after the course. This training, aimed to increase the power of EEG alpha rhythm, regardless of the initial level of alpha rhythm improved the psychophysiological status of the subjects: decreased the level of mental stress, increased originality index of verbal and nonverbal creativity and increased the speed of information processing. The data obtained 3, 6 and 12 months following the training showed that psychophysiological parameters after LAET persist for three months upon its fulfillment. The results allow us to, more systematically and taking into account the period of persisting effects of LAST in subjects with various initial power of EEG alpha rhythm, use this type of training repeatedly in order to improve the patient’s psychophysiological state.


local alpha-enhancement training, psychophysiological parameters, neurobiofeedback, brain rhythms


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