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Peculiarities of Psychophysiological Support of Visual Perception in Children Aged 7–8 Years with Various Rates of Its Formation. P. 63–72

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Section: Physiology

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Morozova Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Institute of Natural Sciences and Technologies, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
4 prosp. Lomonosova, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian federation;


This paper presents the results of psychophysiological and electroencephalographic studies on visual perception (VP) support in children aged 7–8 years (mean age 7.52 ± 0.37 years). The experimental part of the research was carried out in two stages. At the first stage we estimated the level of VP development using a modified method of M.M. Bezrukikh and L.V. Morozova (1996); at the second stage we recorded electroencephalograms (EEG) to study the functional organization of the brain during visuospatial activities. The EEGs were recorded using the Neuroscope-416 encephalograph, with the spectral correlation analysis of the EEG data performed using Neuroscope 5.1 software. We evaluated relative (normalized to total energy) values of power spectrum (RPS) in the following frequency bands: theta (4–7 Hz), alpha-1 (7.5–9.5 Hz), alpha-2 (9.5–10.7 Hz), alpha-3 (10.7–12.7 Hz), and beta (13–20 Hz). In addition we assessed the estimation maximum of coherence function of the alpha band rhythmic components, as well as asymmetry of alpha band activity. The study found that subjects with an average rate of VP formation had more economical and more efficient mechanisms of visual activity, whereas low rates of VP formation lead to generalization of these mechanisms. Children with low rate of VP formation showed significant emotional activation and raised levels of mental strain during visuospatial activity. Greater activation of the right hemisphere (especially the anteriofrontal and parietal-temporal-occipital areas) ready for visual activity, as well as greater activation of the left hemisphere during transition to visual activity largely contribute to a more successful formation of visual perception.


visual perception, electroencephalogram, functional asymmetry of the cerebral cortex


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