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The Effect of Seasonal Circumpolar Factors on Fetal Morphogenesis (in Arkhangelsk). P. 80–86
Section: Medical and biological sciences
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Sukhanov Sergey Genrikhovich
Institute of Physical Education, Sport and Health, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
17 nab. Severnoy Dviny, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation;
Alikberova Madlen Nikolaevna
Northern State Medical University
51 prosp. Troytskiy, Arkhangelsk, 163061, Russian Federation;
The study included 1205 pregnant women (gestational age <25 and 25–40 weeks) living
in Arkhangelsk. Using obstetric ultrasound and histological methods, we studied the changes in amniotic
fluid production and fetus size (femur length, biparietal and abdominal diameters). The identified changes
in the rate of morphogenesis were correlated with the date of fertilization, risk of perinatal pathology,
and Wolf number. Various adaptive and compensatory changes were identified in afterbirth organs,
mostly indicating immaturity and retardation. The total incidence of abnormal amniotic fluid production
was many times greater for the winter and summer months of conception than for other months of the
year. The risk and seasonal factors above affected the thickness and strength properties of the amniotic
sac wall, specific density of its collagen fibres, and the area of umbilical vessels. During the second
trimester (<25 weeks), the changes in the femur length/biparietal diameter ratio correlated with the Wolf
number. This factor accounted for over 50 % of the total variability of the statistical sample’s digital array.
After 25 weeks of pregnancy, only the femur length/abdominal circumference ratio proved statistically
significant. This ratio indirectly indicates intrauterine growth retardation. We also found that probability of
intrauterine growth retardation and macrosomia is significantly higher in fetuses conceived in the winter
and summer months compared to other months of the year.
seasonal factors, effect of seasonal factors, fetal morphogenesis, fetoplacental system, environmental risk
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Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
Forest Journal
Arctic and North