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Activity of Lymphoid Receptors of Lymphoproliferation and Apoptosis in the Physiological Regulation of Immune Homeostasis in Human Adaptation to Changing Environmental Conditions (Review). P. 87–99

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Section: Medical and biological sciences




Filippova Oksana Evgenyevna
The Institute of Environmental Physiology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
249 prosp. Lomonosova, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation;
Popovskaya Ekaterina Vasilyevna
Postgraduate Student, The Institute of Environmental Physiology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after E.E. Volosevych
249 prosp. Lomonosova, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation;
Shashkova Elizaveta Yuryevna
The Institute of Environmental Physiology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
249 prosp. Lomonosova, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation;
Shchegoleva Lyubov Stanislavovna
The Institute of Environmental Physiology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
249 prosp. Lomonosova, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation;


Objective evaluation and interpretation of the immune background is complicated by the need to cooperate coordination processes involved in responses maintaining cell immune homeostasis during adaptation to changing environmental conditions. The interaction of immunocompetent cells provides cell recognition and cell activity synchronization in the formation of humoral and membrane antibodies as well as imparts specificity to the immune response. The number of cells and limits of their content, including certain lymphocyte phenotypes, reflect the state of the immune background. However, a qualitative assessment of immunocompetent cell concentration is informative only in extreme cases of their deficit or increased content compared to the norm. Growing concentrations of cells in the peripheral blood may reflect both proliferation and compensation of their decreasing functional activity, as well as a release of cells from the depot and redistribution of the marginal and circulating cell layers of the pool. At the same time, cooperation and coordination of cell interactions are of fundamental importance for the formation of immune status and immune responses due to the fact that mediators, cytokines, receptors and even their ligands are waste products of the cells. Maturation and differentiation of lymphocytes is accompanied by changes in their receptor apparatus. Lymphocytes are able to change their properties depending on the nature of the extreme factor to which the body is exposed. It is important to understand the background changes in the parameters of immune homeostasis taking into account cooperation and coordination of activity of various cell phenotypes, which are predictors of the development of secondary immunodeficiencies due to environmental factors and their clinical manifestations during human adaptation to changing environmental conditions. The initial stages of immune responses are critical for the formation of an efficient immune defence or response followed by the development of functional disorders. The correlation of immune cells is evident as early as at the stage of selecting the direction of their differentiation under the influence of a considerable variety of factors the human body is exposed to. It is this correlation of cell background phenotypes that determines whether to stimulate or inhibit a particular stage of immune response development.


physiological responses of the immune system, apoptosis, lymphoproliferation, adaptation, lymphoid receptors, functional activity of lymphoid cells
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