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Variant Anatomy of the Right Ventricular Anterior Papillary Muscle in the Human Fetal Heart. P. 100–109

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Yakimov Andrey Arkadyevich
Ural State Medical University
20A Onufrieva St., Yekaterinburg, 620149, Russian Federation;


Anterior papillary muscle (APM) is one of the anatomical markers of the right ventricle. The knowledge of APM variants is important for an accurate prenatal diagnosis and correction of congenital heart defects. This article aimed to study APM variant anatomy in the normal human fetal heart. By means of a stereomicroscope we studied 75 heart specimens from fetuses at 17–28 gestational weeks. APM was found in all of them being located on the apical third of the anterior wall at the end of the septomarginal trabeculae and in each specimen was that of a free type. In 14.7 % of cases we found two APMs, the second one arising from the apex or anterior wall of the right ventricle. Further, anatomical variants of APM were singled out taking into account the various forms of its base, number of bellies and tops. Muscles with a monolithic base, one belly and one (var. 1A; 40 %) or more (var. 1B; 43.5 %) tops were typical. Muscles with a monolithic base, several bellies and tops (var. 2) occurred in 8.3 % of cases. We found no APMs with a split base and several bellies. One APM had from 1 to 15 tendinous cords of the first order, while in most cases their number was 4–6 and did not differ between the anatomical variants of APM. In addition, the paper presents morphometric APM data that can be used as reference values in fetal cardiac morphology.


human fetus, human fetal heart, heart anatomy, papillary muscle, right ventricle, heart valves


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