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Circannual Rhythm Coherence of Climatic Factors and Ambulance Calls in Khanty-Mansiysk. P. 110–118
Section: Medical and prevention sciences
(pdf, 1.3MB )
Ragozin Oleg Nikolaevich
Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy
40 Mira St., Khanty-Mansiysk, 628011, Russian Federation;
e-mail: oragozin@mail.ru
Tatarintsev Pavel Borisovich
Yugra State University
14 Chekhova St., Khanty-Mansiysk, 628012, Russian Federation;
e-mail: c472pbt@yandex.ru
Korchin Vladimir Ivanovich
Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy
40 Mira St., Khanty-Mansiysk, 628011, Russian Federation;
e-mail: vikhmgmi@mail.ru
Ragozina Elina Razifovna
Postgraduate Student, Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy
40 Mira St., Khanty-Mansiysk, 628011, Russian Federation;
e-mail: elinka1000@yandex.ru
The paper studied the variations in climatic factors and dynamics of ambulance calls in Khanty-
Mansiysk (Russia). We analysed the dynamics of temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity,
barometric tendency, maximum wind speed, and weight content of oxygen in the inspired air. The
observation period was from year 2001 to 2014. In order to identify cyclicity and to estimate the spectral
composition of these time series we used wavelet analysis during the entire period. Among the whole
range of important rhythms, the circannual (approximately annual) rhythm of changes in climatic
factors and ambulance calls prevailed. We found that all the parameters of the climatic continuum have
significant correlation coefficients when compared to each other. These coefficients vary in magnitude
and sign, but none of them correlates with the number of ambulance calls. According to the coherence
of the described rhythms, we observed a correlation between the amount of emergency conditions and
oxygen content in the inspired air. The human body’s response to hypoxia, manifested in deterioration
of health, is not instantaneous but delayed. The use of the wavelet analysis allows us to detect shortterm
intervening rhythmic activity, which in combination with the long-wave component is manifested in
interference of the detected oscillations with increasing amplitude of the resultant rhythm. The coherence value of the time series compared can be used for retrospective analysis of biological systems’ response
to climatic changes, while changes in oxygen weight content in the air is the most sensitive weather
parameter for a prompt forecast of health impacts
climatic factors, ambulance calls, wavelet analysis, coherence of rhythms
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Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
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