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Psychophysiological Features of Behavioral Response in Schoolchildren Living in the North in the Free, Probabilistic, and Deterministic Environments. P. 16–24

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Section: Physiology

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Tatyana V. Volokitina
Higher School of Psychology and Teacher Training, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
40 prosp. Leningradskiy, Arkhangelsk, 163009, Russian Federation;
Elena V. Popova
Higher School of Psychology and Teacher Training, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
40 prosp. Leningradskiy, Arkhangelsk, 163009, Russian Federation;


The article studied psychophysiological characteristics of behavioral response in schoolchildren of different age groups living in the north in the free, probabilistic and deterministic environments. To study the intellect structure we used Raven’s Progressive Matrices, Odd-One-Out Test (out of four), Group Intelligence Test, and R. Amthauer’s Intelligence Structure Test. Lability of the nervous system at mental and speech activity of 17- and 18-year-olds was determined using the psychophysiological methodology “Instruction Following”. To assess behavioral responses of schoolchildren in various environments, the Psychophysiological Research Complex “Psikhomat” was utilized. In the course of our research we established relationships between verbal and nonverbal intelligence of the subjects and parameters of decision-making. Having studied the structure of these relationships, we developed correlation models reflecting the age- and gender-specific features of behavioral response formation in the free, probabilistic and deterministic environments. In 7- and 8-year-olds, the non-verbal component of intelligence prevailed; elements of the intelligence structure were mainly associated with the parameters of probabilistic and controlled choice; probabilistic choice being typical of boys and controlled choice of girls. In pupils aged 17 and 18 years, the speed of mental and speech activity is associated with parameters of decisionmaking in the non-deterministic environment, to be more precise only in the probabilistic environment for boys and the probabilistic and free environments for girls. Throughout the studied age period, the smallest number of relationships between the components of intelligence structure and parameters of decision-making were identified in the stochastic environment. Such a limited number of relationships between the components of intelligence structure and behavioral response in the stochastic environment and at the same time their greater quantity in the deterministic environment indicate that the thinking skill is primarily formed under limited choice conditions. Correlations between the parameters of intelligence structure and behavioral response in schoolchildren aged 7–18 years reflect the psychophysiological peculiarities of behavioral response in various environments.


schoolchildren, behavioral response, psychophysiological features, free environment, probabilistic environment, deterministic environment


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