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Thermoregulatory Vasomotor Activity in Humans with Various Degrees of Sensitivity to Cold. P. 51–58

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Section: Physiology




Anna A. Fedosova
Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, Petrozavodsk State University
33 prosp. Lenina, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russian Federation;
Liudmila I. Gerasimova-Meigal
Institute of Medicine, Petrozavodsk State University
33 prosp. Lenina, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russian Federation;


This study aimed to investigate thermoregulatory vasomotor responses in humans with various degrees of sensitivity to cold. Seventy four healthy young people (32 men and 42 women, mean age 19.2 ± 1.2 years) were examined: 30 subjects with high sensitivity to cold and signs of aggravated coldinduced vasoconstriction (group I), 32 subjects with normal cold tolerance (group II), and 12 winter swimmers (group III, with high cold tolerance). Thermoregulatory vasomotor responses were evaluated by measuring skin temperature of symmetrical parts of hands after cold pressor test. Autonomic regulation of vasomotor responses was investigated using skin sympathetic response (SSR) analysis. Group I showed increased thermoregulatory vasomotor responses in the form of slow rewarming after local cooling combined with generalized vasoconstriction. Groups II and III demonstrated physiological coldinduced vasoconstriction (changes in skin temperature in the region under local cooling and rewarming to the reference values within 9–12 minutes). The SSR analysis revealed increased sympathetic activity (higher amplitude of the 2nd phase of skin sympathetic response) in group I. Thus, high sensitivity to cold, which is manifested in susceptibility to vasoconstriction, reflects the changes in the body’s general neurohumoral regulation and the strain of nonspecific adaptation systems. In this regard, evaluation of sensitivity to cold by analysing vascular hyperactivity can be applied to diagnose impaired adaptation to cold and premorbid states of the circulatory system under long-term cold exposure.


adaptation to cold, cold pressor test, skin sympathetic response, preclinical diagnosis
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