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Myocardial Activity Before and After Eхercise Stress in Adolescents Aged 14–17 Years with Various Types of Electroencephalogram Organization (Preliminary Report). P. 59–69

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Nadezhda A. Yarygina
The Institute of Environmental Physiology, Federal Research Centre of Comprehensive Study of the Arctic, Russian Academy of Sciences; Northern Medical Clinical Centre named after N.A. Semashko, Federal Medical and Biological Agency
115 prosp. Troitskiy, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation;
Liliya V. Poskotinova
The Institute of Environmental Physiology, Federal Research Centre of Comprehensive Study of the Arctic, Russian Academy of Sciences
249 prosp. Lomonosova, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation;
Elena A. Sosnina
Northern Medical Clinical Centre named after N.A. Semashko, Federal Medical and Biological Agency
115 prosp. Troitskiy, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation;
Galina S. Zhernakova
Northern Medical Clinical Centre named after N.A. Semashko, Federal Medical and Biological Agency
115 prosp. Troitskiy, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation;


We examined 117 children and adolescents aged 14–17 years. They were divided in two groups: group I (n = 89), consisting of subjects with autonomic dysfunction syndrome (ADS), codes F45.3 and F45.30 in ICD-10, and group II – control – comprised of healthy subjects (n = 28). The proportion of male and female subjects and their level of physical development in the groups were statistically identical. The exclusion criteria were as follows: traumatic brain injuries in the past medical history, paroxysmal epileptic disorders, organic lesions of the heart and blood vessels, endocrine disorders, retardation of morphofunctional, sexual and mental development. The examination included initial electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG) using 3-D dipole localization software BrainLoc, bicycling, and ECG after the exercise test. Three types of EEG organization were revealed in group I: age norm (type 1), EEG with diffuse changes in brain activity (type 2), and EEG with paroxysmal phenomena (type 3). A statistically significant increase in the heart rate after bicycling compared to baseline values was found in group I subjects with normal type of EEG organization. Subjects from group I with diffuse changes in brain activity showed a statistically significant increase in the heart rate, shorter QRS complex and shorter QT interval after bicycling compared to baseline values. Subjects from group I with paroxysmal EEG phenomena demonstrated statistically significant shortening of PQ interval after the exercise test; in one in four of them it lasted less than 120 ms, which is below normal. A detailed assessment of EEG patterns allows us to conclude that cardiovascular dysfunction in children and adolescents without epilepsy is of neurogenic nature. The results of the study can help develop guidelines for choosing the best physical activity for this age group with autonomic dysfunction syndrome.


autonomic dysfunction syndrome, electrocardiography, electroencephalography, bicycling, physical activity of adolescents


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