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Electromagnetic Radiation of Extremely High Frequency in the Correction of the Functional Status in Professional Cross-Country Skiers. P. 70–81

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Section: Medical and biological sciences

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Igor O. Garnov
Institute of Physiology, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
50 Pervomayskaya St., Syktyvkar, 167982, Respublika Komi, Russian Federation;
Aleksey A. Chernykh
Institute of Physiology, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
50 Pervomayskaya St., Syktyvkar, 167982, Respublika Komi, Russian Federation;
Tatyana P. Loginova
Institute of Physiology, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
50 Pervomayskaya St., Syktyvkar, 167982, Respublika Komi, Russian Federation;
Nina G. Varlamova
Institute of Physiology, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
50 Pervomayskaya St., Syktyvkar, 167982, Respublika Komi, Russian Federation;
Dieter Zenke
Strategieteam 1 Markscheiderweg, Neubrandenburg, D-17036, Germany;


In this article we demonstrate the effects of electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency (EMR EHF) on the recovery processes during training and competition periods in professional crosscountry skiers (n = 20, age 18–27 years). The participants were divided into two groups: the experimental and the control. Their functional status was evaluated twice: before and after the competition period. For this purpose we applied a set of methods: anthropometric measurements and respiratory function tests, followed by maximal exercise test on a bicycle ergometer using Oxycon Pro ergospirometry system (Erich Jaeger, Germany). In the experimental group (n =10, age 18–27 years), where participants received EMR EHF courses, we observed less beneficial trends in functional indices at rest during the second examination (after the competition period) and more beneficial trends during bicycling, compared to the control group. During the second examination, the skiers from the experimental group also showed significantly (p < 0.05) faster restoration of the respiratory rate after 5 minutes of recovery after bicycling. In addition, they reported perceived quicker recovery after strenuous activities during training and competitions. Upon the second examination in the control group (n = 10, age 18–27 years), where participants did not receive EMR EHF courses, during the recovery period after bicycling we observed a significant increase in diastolic blood pressure (which can be a sign of overtraining), a decrease in the stroke volume, cardiac index and blood circulation index (p < 0.05). Thus, we conclude that further study of EMR EHF effects on the functional status in athletes can help clarify indications for the use of this method in rehabilitation of professional sportspersons during training and competitions.


electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency, cross-country skiers, bicycle exercise, maximal exercise test, functional state


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