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Background and BAS-Induced Changes in Erythrocyte Functional State as Indicators of the Threat of Preterm Labour in Women (Part 2). P. 21–36

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Viktor I. Tsirkin*/**, Aleksandr D. Nozdrachev***, Konstantin Yu. Anisimov****, Svetlana L. Dmitrieva*****, Ol’ga A. Bratukhina*****, Svetlana V. Khlybova******
*Kazan State Medical University (Kazan, Russian Federation)
**Vyatka State University (Kirov, Russian Federation)
***Saint Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
****Ural State Medical University (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)
*****Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Centre (Kirov, Russian Federation)
******Kirov State Medical University (Kirov, Russian Federation)


Having analysed the data on background erythrocyte agglutination start time (AST) in nonpregnant, pregnant (three trimesters), parturient (stage 1 of labour) women and those with threatened preterm labour (TPL), we found that AST values depend on the stage of the reproductive process and the existence of TPL, provided that agglutination is induced by phytohemagglutinins (PHAp and PHAb) contained in salt extracts of dried pea (Pisum sativum L.) or common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds. If agglutination is induced by serum polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) or monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), the values of the background ASTpAbs and background ASTmAbs do not reveal this relationship. Judging by the changes in ASTpAbs, ASTmAbs, ASTPHAp and ASTPHAb under the influence of biologically active substances (BAS), the erythrocyte response to them depends on the stage of the reproductive process and/or existence of TPL. Thus, during the study of the changes in ASTpAbs, ASTmAbs, ASTPHAp and ASTPHAb under the influence of adrenaline it was found that in pregnancy the efficiency of activation of erythrocyte beta-adrenergic receptors (AST increase under the influence of adrenaline) grows and remains high during labour, while the efficiency of activation of alpha-adrenergic receptors (AST reduction under the influence of adrenalin) increases just before term labour and at TPL. Acetylcholine does not affect ASTpAbs in the 1st trimester; decreases it in the 2nd trimester, increases it in the 3rd trimester, but reduces it in labour and at TPL. Oxytocin increases ASTpAbs in the 1st trimester, does not affect it in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters and at TPL, but increases it in parturient women. Serotonin reduces ASTmAbs in the 1st trimester, does not affect it in the 2nd trimester, decreases it in the 3rd trimester and in labour, and produces no effect on it at TPL. Dydrogesterone and estradiol are able to nongenomically change the background and BASmodulated AST. In conclusion, the article shows the prospects of research into erythrocyte agglutinability to diagnose TPL and estimate the probability of transition of TPL to preterm labour.


erythrocyte functional state, indicators of threatened preterm labour, hemagglutination, pregnancy, labour


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