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The Immune and Hormonal Status of Men Working on Short and Long Rotations in the European North of Russia (Exemplified by the Employees of the Arkhangelsk Hydrographic Service). P. 37–43
Section: Physiology
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Lyubov’ S. Shchegoleva*/**, Mariya V. Nekrasova*, Vladimir A. Bobrov***, Elena M. Dyuzhikova****
*Federal Research Centre for Integrated Studies of the Arctic, Russian Academy of Sciences (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
**Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
***Medical Service of the Military Unit 90384 (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
****Bogomolets National Medical University (Kiev, Ukraine)
This research evaluated the immune status of adult able-bodied men by studying the content ratio of immunocompetent cells, cytokines and total testosterone. We were interested in studying the immune and hormonal ratio in practically healthy men (40.0 ± 5.0 years old) who never took part in combat operations depending on the conditions of their rotational work (short and long rotations) in the European North of Russia (exemplified by the employees of the Arkhangelsk Hydrographic Service). The subjects working on short rotations were three times more likely to have leukocytosis (14.29 %) and lymphocytosis (19.05 %) than those working on long rotations (4.66 and 7.69 %, respectively). The helper/suppressor ratio amounted to 0.96–1.01, indicating a marked T-suppression in 80.00 % of men working on short rotations and in 60.50 % of men working on long rotations in lighthouses. immune imbalances in CD3+, CD5+, CD4+ should be considered to be stereotyped adaptive immune responses. At the same time, the decrease in cytokine activity and in the level of total testosterone in men working on short rotations (total testosterone deficiency in them was three times more common) indirectly indicates lower reserve capacity of immune homeostasis, which hinders the development of adaptive responses to changing environmental conditions. The large number of weak correlations between the indicators under study in both groups of subjects indirectly confirms that changes in hormone concentrations do not depend on fluctuations in the content of lymphoid populations, with the exception of suppressor T cells (CD8+,
p < 0.001). The data obtained indicate that a decrease in adaptive activity and reserve capacity of
immune homeostasis in men (40.0 ± 5.0 years old) in the North is more common in short rotation
working age men, immune and hormonal ratio, short rotation, long rotation, European North of Russia
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Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
Forest Journal
Arctic and North