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Methods of Infrared Thermogram Processing and Analysis for Instant Diagnosis of Breast Cancer. P. 56–66

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Irina S. Kozhevnikova*, Mikhail N. Pankov*, Nadezhda A. Ermoshina**
*Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
**Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D.F. Ustinov (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)


This article provides an analytical review of recent achievements in the development of automated thermogram interpretation systems for diagnosing breast cancer. Effective use of thermography in diagnosing breast cancer requires a computer-aided diagnosis system (CADx) capable of performing instant image analysis and providing an interpretation of the data. The purpose of CADx is to determine the nature of the phenomena presented in the thermogram. Computer algorithms involved in the CADx scheme include four steps: image pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and selection, and classification. Over the past few years, significant results have been achieved in automating the diagnosis based on thermogram analysis in terms of accuracy, specificity and sensitivity. These results were possible mainly due to improved performance of thermal imagers, as well as successful development of algorithms for image processing and data analysis. The accuracy with which algorithms determine the presence or absence of a tumour is close to 100 %; there are models that are able to reliably identify the anatomical areas of interest. Nevertheless, the problem of a significant number of false positive and false negative results is still far from being solved. The most promising research areas address such problems as thermal image sequence analysis and interpretation which makes it possible not only to record the spatial distribution of body temperature but also to analyse the temporal changes in temperature or stress test responses. Another important research area focuses on the development of methods for a detailed analysis of detected tumours in order to separate cancerous tissue from the normal one, classify benign and malignant cancers and identify the stage of the disease. The quality of the existing models of computer-aided diagnosis systems based on thermogram analysis is not sufficient for their implementation and application in clinical practice. However, the dynamics of the development and improvement of new methods allows us to suggest that it will be possible in the nearest future.


computer-aided diagnosis systems, infrared thermography, medical image processing, breast tumour detection


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