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Physiological and Biomechanical Analysis and Correction of the Functional Status of Knee Joint in Older Women with Gonarthrosis. P. 74–81
Section: Medical and biological sciences
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Roman O. Solodilov*
*Surgut State University (Khanty-Mansiyskiy avtonomnyy okrug, Surgut, Russian Federation)
This paper studies the physiological and biomechanical peculiarities of knee joint functioning in older
women with gonarthrosis before and after its correction. It was established that 60–65-year-old women
with disturbed function of knee joint, in addition to symptomatic signs also have biomechanical disorders
in the joint, namely kinematic changes in angular locations in the three planes of motion (sagittal, frontal
and transverse). After correction, in addition to reducing the symptomatic signs of knee disorders, an
alignment of angular asymmetry between the knee joints of the dominant and non-dominant limbs
was recorded. In groups A (after physical correction) and B (after physical and manual correction), the
difference in the angular positions of knee joints in the frontal plane at the beginning of the Rising Test
was 22 and 7 % (27 % before correction); at rising, 16 and 3 % (18 % before correction); at the end
of the test, 24 and 9 % (39 % before correction); at the maximum angular position of the joint, 8 and
6 % (12 % before correction); at the minimum angular position of the joint, 13 and 7 % (13 % before
correction), respectively. In the transverse plane: at the beginning of the test it was 30 and 20 % (31 %
before correction); at rising, 11 and 10 % (16 % before correction); at the end of the test, 26 and
12 % (77 % before correction); at the maximum angular position of the joint, 4 and 4 % (4 % before
correction), at the minimum angular position of the joint, 78 and 24 % (61 % before correction) in groups
A and B, respectively. Thus, after the correction the kneecap fits in the furrow between the condyles
of the femoral bone better, i.e., more centred. As a result, knee extension was more effective both
biomechanically and functionally.
knee joint functional disorders, older women, knee joint biomechanics, physical rehabilitation in gonarthrosis
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